Colorado's Oz Architecture takes Assisted Living Design to the Next Level

OZ Architecture Senior Living Building Older Adults
In Colorado, where the general population is among the healthiest in the country, adults 65 and older are staying active and independent well into their later years, with many planning to age in place indefinitely.
Oddly enough, it’s precisely because we are living longer that the likelihood of needing to enter into an assisted living facility at some point may make sense. And for those that do, they will be looking for more options and different environments than the clinical atmosphere that used to be the norm.
Fortunately, the industry has recognized the need to offer more comfortable and welcoming options. As a result, they have begun to create some genuinely great places to live.
COVID-19 Era Ideas for Senior Living Communities
Recognizing the dire impact COVID-19 has had on older adults, particularly those living in senior living communities, OZ Architecture recently released a report called, Designing for Emergency Preparedness Insight. It provides a number of design options that can be used during an emergency to reduce the spread of disease.
The Denver Public Library Offers a Lifeline to Older Adults During COVID-19
Library Provides Virtual Events and Innovative Programs that Help Older Adults Stay Connected
Amy DelPo, the Administrator of Older Adult Services at the Denver Public Library, believes through supporting older adults, the library can help create a strong community where everyone thrives.
That vision, along with their mission of making "welcoming spaces where all are free to explore and connect," exemplifies the library's role as a place for community, connection, and exploration.
5 Ways for Nonprofits to Reach Older Adults in Rural Communities
If you’re a nonprofit serving older adults in Colorado, you may find it challenging to reach those who live in rural communities.
When you consider that rural communities are typically older than urban areas and have fewer social supports – figuring out how to connect resources to members of rural communities that need it the most is of real importance.
Coronavirus Resources for Coloradans Age 50 and Older: Local, State & National
Resources from across Colorado and the nation to help address questions and concerns related to Covid-19, including new funding sources that have become available since the outbreak.
Note to Readers:
If you have Coronavirus related resources to share, please send to Longevity Colorado.