Interview with Wade Buchanan: Colorado’s longevity landscape and his role in shaping its future
In an effort to address the State’s quickly changing demographic, in 2015, Colorado established the Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging, or SAPGA.
The group set out to examine the impact this shift will have on everything from the economy and workforce to state and local revenue budgets and fiscal policies and released a report of its findings and recommendations in late 2016.
At the top of SAPGA’s list of proposals was creating a permanent position within the state’s executive branch to coordinate and oversee Colorado’s work on aging issues.
Funded by a grant from the NextFifity Initiative
Gov. John Hickenlooper appointed Wade Buchanan as the state’s first Senior Advisor on Aging this past January.
Longevity Colorado recently sat down with Wade to find out more about his role and what are some of the issues and challenges the state is addressing in the longevity sector.

One out of every five Coloradans will be 65 years or older by the year 2030.
Longevity Colorado: Tell us a bit about what your job entails.
Colorado state government has at least 100 programs, services, educational opportunities and benefits related to aging. Each was created for a specific purpose or a specific need, and we’ve never taken a step back and asked what it all adds up to. Collectively, do they amount to a rational strategy? If so, can we make it more effective? If not, what do we do? That’s what I’m working on – along with the Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging.
And the best thing I’ve learned is that a lot is already going on – in government, but also in the private and non-profit sectors, and in families. I don’t think I've encountered a single issue that is not already being addressed by someone, somewhere in Colorado. So a key part of my job is raising awareness, building connections, breaking down the silos to see if we can bring all these pieces together into a strategy that improves the welfare of an entire population.
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