Colorado Among 10 Best States for Family Caregivers

10 Best States for Family Caregivers

It’s no surprise that the state where you live can have a big effect on your quality of life, but for the estimated 34 million Americans providing unpaid care to an older adult, the state you call home can also be a major factor in your ability to take on the role of family caregiver.


The 50 states vary widely in availability of supports and services for family caregivers, from laws that make it easier for working caregivers to take time off to care for aging loved ones, to the number of high quality senior care providers in a given state.

Colorado ranked well on the state support and services scorecard, thanks to a few key programs.

The state gets high marks for providing what's known as nurse delegation, which allows nurses to delegate health maintenance tasks to pay direct care providers in a patient's home. In states where this isn't allowed, family caregivers who work often have to take time off to perform those tasks themselves.

It's also notable because of the Colorado Respite Coalition, a far-reaching caregiving advocacy organization that helps family caregivers throughout the state find respite care services and resources.

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